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Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year

Just a note from Mommy
The little monkeys are all snug in their beds and it is nearing 2:00 am.  Now that I am home, I am taking a bit of time to reflect for a moment on all the things that have happened in the last year.  I have experienced a varied amount of stress, challenges, friendship issues, relationship issues and health issues.  And I suppose, in this reflection time I wonder, what, if anything, will be different in 2011?  The answer to that is simple and will be a challenge and it will be ordinary life.
Ordinary life is never easy.  We face challenges each and every day.  Much of the time we orchestrate the symphony of our lives, but sometimes others are conducting. It is in the time of challenges that we learn about ourselves, who our friends are, and who we can trust.  It is simply life. 
And each time I reflect, each time I wonder what the future holds, it all comes down to what is best for the most important people in my life.  My kids. :)  That's just the way I roll, lol. And judging from the happy looks on their faces in this blurry like life photo, I'm not doing too shit of a job.
Happy New Year, readers.   May good fortune, peace of mind, health of body and happiness be yours for 2011 and beyond.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Cheer

Christmas cheer is always in danger of becoming small around me.  I'm not sure what it is about Christmas that brings out the spurned lover feeling in me.  It's a really hard season for me, at times.  Well, the kids really help me to focus on what is important.  They help me to wait on the things I want, wait for those things to come later.  So, when I am in danger of letting my cheer become too small to recognize, I count all of my blessings.  I hold them close, with both hands.  I press them next to my heart, so when bad, sad, disappointing, heart breaking things crop up, I don't have a free hand available for holding.  Those things just have to pass by.
Lessons From the Bean
Of course the Bean set me to rights this year on Christmas morning as she so often does in my daily life.  She woke up this day, and excitedly made her way to the living room.  Still rubbing sleep from her eyes, she looked at the brightly lit tree, the rolling hills of gifts strategically placed under the tree, and was so filled with awe.   She was so excited!  At 3 and a half she thinks that Santa is real and I am happy to believe along with her.  I told her, as is tradition, we start with the stockings. She grabs hers, Disney princesses of course lol, and begins exploring.  Guess what her favorite gift of the day was?  The whole day?  A princess wand.  One that lights up, with a star shape on the top.  She looked at me later and said, "Mommy.  Hurry and open this, please.  I want to make you a princess." Yeah.  She wants to make me a princess.  Heart of gold that one. The thing that makes me realize I need to slow down and enjoy what leads up to this day more, is the fact that that wand, her favorite gift, was something I bought for $1.00.  lol...Christmas cheer...:)

She was actually just doing a puzzel, which she loves by-the-way, and just exclaimed, "I'm a genius!"  Oh.  My.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Our first blog...woopie

9 December 2010

As the first entry into our blog history, I feel compelled to make this something epic and worthy of the ages...but why overreach and set us all up for disappointment for the future?  :)

Words from The Bean:
The other night it was getting close to bedtime.  First comes bathtime, though.  So, The Bean went into the bathroom to gather her toys and ran out yelling to me.  "Mom, come here!" Of course, I reply with concern and ask what is wrong.  She pulls my hand and tells me, "Come on Mom.  You have to see sonthing (she has a slight lisp yet at 3.5 years)."  Her eyes are wide and alight with concern, yet I hold back a bit and ask what is so urgent. She decides to play her big cards to get me moving faster. "Mom.  It's something dangerous and ridiculous."  Well.  That did get me moving.  Off to the bathroom we proceed, where she grabs the white cloth shower curtain with both hands and pulls back with a flourish.  Her tiny finger points to the bottom of the bath.  "See!", she says.  My eyes follow the direction that little finger points, to the bottom of the bathtub.  What do you imagine I saw there?  Spider?  Broken glass, perhaps?  No.  With a smile I look and see small pieces of grass, a few twigs and some mud clumps from the previous bather (her brother) who had cut wood earlier in the day.  Dangerous and ridiculous indeed.
Let this be a lesson to us all:  if a three year old can use such wonderful words as 'dangerous' and 'ridiculous' in a sentence, so can we.  Get your dictonaries out people. :)

In closing, we would like to thank a certain talented Australian beauty who's idea this was.  The Bean will have her to thank one day.  Hugs.

From today for this occasion.